Thursday, February 16, 2017

Good News for LA Sidewalk Vendors or Street Vendors

Los Angeles sidewalk vendors no longer have to worry about trying to make ends meet on the streets or side walk of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to decriminalize street vending. Immigrant advocates have long been fighting and arguing that sidewalk sellers should not face criminal charges that could place them at risk of being deported. Most of the street vendors are immigrants who had a long history of selling on the streets in their home country. They are willing to pay fees and taxes for the opportunity to be able to sell their merchandise.

Finally, the LA City Council agreed that vending should not be seen as a criminal act. Selling food and goods used to lead to misdemeanor charges that would place those sellers in jeopardy in case of a potential crackdown by the current government. City staffers will work out the details regarding the application for vending permits and fees. Until the staffers come up with a plan, the vendors may still be cited and fined for breaking the municipal code. The only difference is that there will not be any criminal convictions.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Welcome to StreetVendorVoice! The Voice of Millions of SmallBusinessPeople Trying to Make Ends Meet Right on the Streets is giving a voice to the millions of street vendors who are trying to make ends meet all over the world. From all the metropolitan cities of Africa, Asia, and the American continent to the small villages, street vendors are the pillar of the economy of their countries. This blog aims at giving a voice to the hustlers, Madan Sara, fancy food sellers, and street artists who are trying to make a living. is based in all the major cities of the world. Its correspondents can be found in New York City, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tijuana, Mexicali in Baja California, Panama City, Boston, Rio de Janeiro, Dakar, etc.

Wherever street merchants exist, StreetVendorVoice is there. Our goals are to give a voice to the small guys selling their goods on the streets. If you know a street vendor who is selling his or her merchandise, please inform them that they have a voice on this blog!

Street vendors can send their stories, their ebooks and merchandise pics to StreetVendorVoice [at]Outlook dot com. On Twitter, they can contact us at @StreetVendVoice

Let's get our voice heard as we have the right to sell our creations.

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